About Us

Dr. Matthew J. Dykas (Director) is Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department at SUNY Oswego. He received his Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Maryland and completed a National Institutes of Mental Health-funded postdoctoral fellowship in family violence and child maltreatment. He has published research on attachment-caregiving processes in prestigious journals (e.g., Child Development) and edited books (e.g., Human Bonding: The Science of Affectional Ties). To learn more about Dr. Dykas’ work, see his Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.

Jade Giuga (Assistant to the Director, COS Project) is the chief liaison between Prevention Support Partners and agencies conducting (or seeking to conduct) COS Parenting groups throughout Oswego County and CNY. Jade is a junior at SUNY Oswego studying psychology and business administration. She is originally from Westtown, NY and aspires to attend graduate school in psychology.